28 October 2007

Come on by - If not for the art, there's wine and cheese.
We're right above Dagny's Coffee on the corner of 20th and Eye St.

Click on the image - it gets bigger.

21 October 2007

First Place, Baby!

Vikki and I represented Studio 7 well during the 47 or so hours chalking the ground. Via Arte was lovely, despite a nice wet rain on Friday night that set us back a few hours. We are now proud winners of first place for our original 12 foot by 12 foot chalked birds. We gladly accepted the prize and promptly hurled ourselves back to our homes for a much deserved and needed rest. Beth Ramone stated that Via Arte was like giving birth - It's quite painful, a big undertaking, but quite worth it. And I say: Yes, Beth - exactly.

In Other news: I'm nearing my 14th hour in the studio readying for the show in 12 days. A couple small ones I'm proud of, some shoes I painting using Vikki's style, and a little progress on the PDX series. Keeping this up, I should have plenty of work completed in less than two weeks. WOO!